Increase your direct bookings with Google chatbot

Stop paying lofty commissions for every booking. Boost direct bookings with Brance’s AI-powered Google chatbot, cut the middleman, and increase your revenue.

Boost your revenue with Brance’s smart AI chatbot

Google lead generation ads

2X your ROAS on all Google ads and capture your leads on auto-pilot.

Google business manager chat

Offer chat channels and capture new leads on auto-pilot.

Conversions optimized

Follow-up with every lead using AI, Reduce first response time to 0.

Here’s some other ways we boost your bottom line with our AI-powered Google chatbot

1. 24/7 AI guest service means more hotel bookings

Be it night or a busy hotel season, integrating your Google chat with our smart chatbot means you’ll never miss another booking inquiry that comes in through Google chat.  Our AI-powered chatbot will instantly auto-reply to booking queries as soon as they come—increasing and boosting your revenue in the process.

2.AI leads to more empathetic communication  

Brance’s AI chatbot is built on the latest AI algorithms. This means it can communicate with as much empathy as a human agent, making it perfect for your hospitality needs. A human-like tone means your guests will never feel they’re talking to a bot.

3. Automates your Google review capturing

Adopt Brance’s Google chatbot to take the guesswork out of getting good reviews. Let it automate the review-capturing process, reaching the right guest at the right time—thus boosting your Google reviews.

4. Instant replies mean more revenue for you

78% of people book properties that reply to their queries first. That’s why our smart Google chatbot can respond to each query within 5 seconds, giving you a massive edge over the competition. So quick replies equal more bookings, which means more revenue.

5. Seamlessly switch between AI and human agent

Our chatbot gives your guests the option to seamlessly switch to a human agent straight from Google chat, if the need arises. A more frictionless inquiry experience translates to more bookings for you.

6. Speak in 100+ languages 

Our smart chatbot comes trained on 100+ language models. This gives you an opportunity to speak with your guests in a language they prefer, reducing any miscommunications and friction in the process.

Answer to Your Questions


What’s a Google Chatbot for a hotel?

A Google chatbot for hotels is software that can automate all guest communications for a chat from Google Business Manager.

After integration with your Google Business Manager profile, the chatbot will take over all your conversations from there on, answering queries ranging from booking prices to shuttle arrangements, amenities to check-in timings, and the like.

2. What are the benefits of using Google chatbot in the hotel industry?

The most significant benefit of adopting a Google chatbot, and Brance’s Google chatbot in particular, is that it can help you drive up your direct booking revenue.

Some other ways it can help you include:

  1. Generative AI-powered communication your conversation will be more personalized and human-like.
  2. Makes 24/7 communication possible, giving a nice boost to guest satisfaction.
  3. Integrates well with other channels like booking engines for correct pricing.
  4. Automated follow-ups mean more revenue through direct, sales inquiries.
3. Will you get assistance in setting up the Google chatbot?

Of course, you will. All it takes is a free 30-minute call with us. We will integrate the Google chatbot into your system, answer any and all of your queries, and you will be good to go in no time.

Increase your conversion by 2x using Gen-AI